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Thursday, August 23, 2012

I'm Forgetting How to Blog.

My mom frequently badgers me I feel like I should blog more about the day to day stuff like I used to, but I also feel like our lives are too boring or weird. Most of the blogs I read are about people who have kids that are growing up or they're decorating their houses with crafts they saw on Pinterest. Then there's me, blogging about how pissed I am that our hotel room doesn't have an oven.

I really, really miss ovens. I didn't even bake that much when I had one, but that was mostly because I didn't need to. When we were in Arizona I was working and I would eat lunch and dinner with my nanny boys 5 days a week. Then on my weekends we would go out to dinner for date night. And the other night of the week we'd eat leftovers or maybe I would make dinner. All my life I never thought I was a good cook. My mom would make us take turns helping with dinner, and I would do just fine and I had a few recipes that I carried with me onto married life. (I can heat up a Stouffers lasagna like it's nobodies business.) But I always think about how my mom worked full time and went to school to get her degree and raised teenagers but would still make foods from scratch like her homemade cinnamon rolls. (By the way, mom, can you send me that recipe? Oh wait nevermind because I DON'T HAVE AN OVEN.) When we moved here I told Rick I wanted to try to become a good cook because I want to be the mom that my mom was and because lets be real, I don't have a job, I've got some time to kill. Although I don't have an oven, I have mastered the art of the crock pot. The best part is that it's SO EASY. Rick thinks I'm a genius. He really thinks that I've transformed into Julia Child but really it's all the crock pots doing, I'm just really good at googling/pinning crock pot recipes. I no longer buy boxes of food, I buy ingredients. Due to lack of cupboard space/the desire to plan meals ahead and the fact that Walmart is within walking distance of our hotel, I go to Walmart probably 4-5 times a week to buy food for dinner every night. I ask Rick what he wants, go get the ingredients, he leaves for work and when he comes home it looks like I've been slaving away in the kitchen all day when really I've been watching all 5 seasons of Friday Night Lights. And then he does the dishes. It's the perfect setup.

Rick really is the best. He's been including me a lot more in his sleeptalking lately, so that's been a nice bonding experience for us. Instead of just saying something random he will ask me a question, tell me a story, or wake up frantically, grab his glasses and start freaking out and asking me in between panicked breaths "Are these my glasses? Do they look like mine?! LOOK! LOOK AT MY GLASSES CLOSELY! THESE AREN'T MINE, THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE MINE, THESEARENOTMYGLASSES!" Through experience, I've found out that the best way to handle these situations is NOT to throw a pillow at him and tell him to shut up. Instead, I laugh so freaking hard calmly explain that they are, in fact, his glasses. He will then say "These are not mine, I think they got switched at the airport, someone else has my glasses." Then I ask realistic questions like "How the hell would you have switched your glasses at the airport?" To which he responds "I don't know, maybe I took them off like to take a nap or something." At this point, there is nothing left to do but give him a hug and wish for the best. Usually this wakes him up completely and he realizes what has just happened. Then we laugh until we're crying. I had to stop in the middle of this story to take this picture...

His head is at the top left and his feet are at the bottom right. How does this even happen?

Bless his heart.

His Birthday is next month. This isn't just any birthday, this is his 30th birthday. I have no idea what to get him. I was going to get him a new TV but then we moved to Arkansas and we have a big TV in our hotel room so there is no point in getting one now. I keep asking him what he wants and he keeps saying "whatever." Truth is, I could get him absolutely nothing for his birthday and he wouldn't mind, but every year on his birthday I turn into a bawl baby and we talk about his adoption and how thankful we are that his biological mom made the brave choice to put him up for adoption and how wonderful his parents are for adopting him and then I buy him anything he wants. So really it's just us sitting around crying and eating chocolate cake like a couple of teenage girls and then going to DI so he can buy unnecessary wires (he has baskets of wires for everything you could possibly imagine). Today he did tell me "Hey, we should go to Alabama!" And he was serious. I guess there is some art exhibit there or something that he wants to go see. So for his 30th Birthday we are taking a road trip to Alabama. I'm going to go ahead and add that to the list of things I never thought I'd say.

I'm doing well in school. I've liked all of my classes so far and I really like the ones I'm taking right now. Online schooling is so amazing, there is no way I could be doing a regular college with how much we're moving around. I've traveled from Arizona to Arkansas, Tennessee, Utah, and California all while being able to stay in school and keep my grades up. Online schooling is the best invention. That, and crock pots.


Amy said...

who says you need kids or a house to have an awesome blog. Personally I find your blog waaaay more interesting/fun to read than most people who just write about their kids (myself included). Also, I agree, crockpots are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Such Joy!!!!! I love your blog! I am impressed with your crock pot cooking and it will serve you well as you raise your family. Do you remember when I made chicken soup out of rabbit? Perhaps you kids didn't know. Now you do and you lived to tell about it. I love you Jodi girl!!!