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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Happiest Place On Earth Part 2

I took this picture. I'm a really good photographer. We were able to go to 2 tapings of Dr. Phil which ended up being 3 because the Dr. Phil Family thrives off of drama. Don't worry, I DVR every single Dr. Phil episode. I'll let you know when I'm on tv.

See those clouds? It was cold. I dressed wrong every single day we were there. Freezing cold or want-to-die-hot. There was no happy medium. I'll be better prepared next time.

This is how I like to ride the teacups - with no effort.

Can we all have a moment of silence on behalf of Walt Disney? The man was a genius. He has changed the world for the better. This is the famous "It's A Small World" ride. I love this ride. I love seeing one man's dream of turn into a reality.

"Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world."

Okay. Moment is over.

Ready to go on the ride.

This was Rick's first time at Disneyland. We have since decided to make trips to Disneyland an annual occurrence. Best decision ever.

Me and Rick.

I love this picture. I don't know if my favorite part is the guy in the back or everything that has to do with Rick's face. It's just all around perfect.

I am a champion.

We sat on the sidewalk for an hour while eating and waiting for the parade. The spot we chose gave us a perfect view of everything. All the characters would stop and dance right in front of us.

My hair looks weird. See that thing in my hand? They gave it to me for being loud and obnoxious. Or "letting your inner child out" as Disney would call it.

This is how close we were. She blew me a kiss and then we high fived. It was amazing.

Here is a clip of the parade. I think/hope that the person laughing and cheering is Rick.

The firework show was amazing. I actually cried at the end when all the fireworks were going off and over the park speakers they played Walt Disney talking about dreams coming true and then they play "When You Wish Upon A Star". That's the magic of Disneyland.

Also, Katie, I went on the Finding Nemo Submarine ride. I don't get claustrophobic hardly ever but I was definitely feeling it. And our submarine started to leak after a few minutes. I thought of you the entire time. And then I freaked out a tiny bit at the end when water was pouring all over my lap from the leak.


Anonymous said...

Satan controls the water--hence, the Nemo ride is of Satan. Very Satanic. Like he wants to kill you and drag you down to hell in that friendly, claustrophobic submarine.

Becca said...

i have never been to disneyland. we plan to take our kids in a few years. my sister took her kids last year and she also cried at the end of the firework show. but she was pregnant so she blames it on that. ;o)

looks like you guys had lots of fun. thanks for your nice comment on my blog awhile back. i dont know if i ever responded to you but really thanks. it made my day. probably my week, actually. haha.

anyway cute pics of the trip. glad you had a good time. aren't you glad to be back in snowville? haha. i guess i'm assuming you live here in utah. but if you do - wasnt it hard to come home from sunny california?

Jodi said...


You need to go to Disneyland. You will love it and your kids will love it. It really is so much fun. You're welcome for the blog comment, and yes I'm living in Provo and coming back to Utah (It was snowing, are you kidding me?) was horrible. I miss the sunshine.