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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Follow Up On Resolutions

So I put this little gadget on here that tells me every time someone looks at my blog. It also shows me what City people are viewing my blog from. I had no idea I had so many fans in Colorado and Massachusetts. Here's the problem - I'm averaging 1.5 comments per post. Come on guys, we can do better than that. It's time to step up our commenting game. And I promise this isn't one of those "Hey! If you read my blog leave a comment!" posts just to be followed by "Now that I know who reads my blog I'm going private" post. We all hate those. If you're not sure what to comment about, here's an idea: My awesome new bed.

We got the bed frame at RC Willey and the pillows/comforter cover at Ikea. Ikea is the Disneyland of home furnishings.

So this year instead of just setting New Years resolutions to make myself look good I want to actually do them to make myself look even better. Time to recap on this years goals.

1. Go to the Temple once a month - We're not all the way there yet but we're getting better. Some improvement is better than none, right?

2. Finish School - I'm so close I can taste it. This one we can mark off the list shortly.

3. Find a job as an MA - This one can't happen until school is done with, but I recently started volunteering at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. Hospitals are starting to accept more and more Medical Assistants. Hopefully me being a volunteer will give me a higher chance of being hired as an MA there.

4. Have Rick become a Member of the Ute Tribe - We're doing all we can on our end but we're going nowhere. This one might not happen but we're still hoping and praying (and harassing his birth mom) that it does.

5. Get Rick back into School - We were waiting for him to join the tribe before he started school again but we are looking into other options now since a Native American Scholarship might not happen. He has decided that he wants to go to school to become a Therapist. He would be good at it, you can talk this guys ear off and he won't even flinch.

6. Get Rick Healthy - Check.

7. Get Myself Healthy - We got gym memberships (that we actually use). And my family is planning on doing the 5k Freedom Run on the 4th of July. I hate running. A lot. But I'm doing it all for the sake of a good lookin' bod. It better be worth it.

8. Get better at Planning Meals/Cooking - We'll give this one a half a check. Which is actually giving me way more credit than I deserve.

9. Save and manage money better - This one gets half a check as well. It will be easier when I am working full time and not going to school and my paychecks actually make a difference.

10. Take Rick to Disneyland - CHECK! I'm going to put this one on the list every year.

11. Plan a Cruise - I wish.


Becca said...

i vow to always comment when i read your blog. the end.

haha i always like it when people comment that visit ,but i get why they don't.

ok - your bed is BEAUTIFUL. i totally love it. we got our bedroom stuff at ikea as well. it's an amazing place.

um we should talk about tribes sometime. because my hubs best friends parents (in my recent posts about cali...The Beebe's) they are native american and now i cant remember which tribe she is from, but i find their way of doing things fascinating. they are amazing people. they do the pow wows and the dances and all of that. their entire home is decorated in native american-ness. it's totally sweet. anyhow...just a random commonality. is that a word?

Marie said...

Hey, don't make fun of me cause I went "private" lol! ;) There are many good reasons... uh... one happens to be that I found out my ex-fiance reads it. ick! haha!

Anyway, the bed looks freakin' cute!!! I'm so jealous. I need to get new bedding now that I have a bigger bed... Just gotta find one reasonably priced that is cute. ;) (i <3 ross)

Great job on the resolutions this year! You're already doing far better than me. :D

Chaplain Tami said...

Jodi, I aBSOLUTELY LOVE your blog! One of the most amazing things about it is your humor and your style of writing. It's like mine. I mean it REALLY is. I have to tone it down for my profession but my private stuff, well, it's like you wrote it. Your humor is like mine. Seriously I never knew you were funny and you CRACK ME UP!

Chaplain Tami said...

One more thing. It's says I'm Randy but I'm not. I am your mom. As for the Harris Belly, It's the Fitzgerald/Boyce belly curse. The Harris belly is also a curse but the Harris hips are worse. I know. It's hard to imagine. The next thing that goes are the arms. Currently I am praying cellulite does not take over my face. Keep up the work outs.
I am excited about the new shirts for Rick. Should I take back the Easter candy? Wait, then I'd be an Indian giver. Dang!

Sheryl and Ben said...

Hey Jodi.. I think I'm the reason why you have a lot of view from Colorado. When work gets slow, I stalk blogs. Unfortunately work has been really slow for a while.. and your blog is on the list.. I understand if you want to go private because of this. :)

Kar said...

Remember a looooong time ago when I posted some pictures of my bed and it was the Ikea comforter cover that was white with the big, black flowers on them, and you had it too? Well guess what, I now have that light blue/white circle thingies comforter that you now have. Weird. We have great taste.