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Thursday, January 14, 2010


I hate feeling like I've been in the same groove for too long. Sleep, work, school, repeat. I'm in need of a change. I just need to be more patient because I can see the light at the end of the school tunnel, and then I will be done and I will look for work as an MA. Which will change the work and school part of the routine. The only other part is sleep and well, I enjoy that far too much to change anything about it.

In other news, Rick's parents have housed somewhere near 300 exchanged students in the 30 years they've lived in their house. The last one to live there was Zola. A smart, funny, beautiful girl from Ghana, Africa. Zola left on her mission yesterday. She's going to be an amazing missionary. Lookout New York City, Sister Adjei is on her way!

Since Zola is gone, we are now the only people living in the house. Very weird. Very cool. Rick and I have finally been able to do it as much as we want whenever we want. Yes, that's right, I am talking about endless games of hide and seek. So far I'm totally winning. That house has some killer hiding spots. I just need to work on trying not to laugh moments before I lunge out to scare Rick which in return makes him go into a karate stance. I'm thinking about starting a hide and seek league. Any takers?

We are going to plan our trip to Disneyland soon. Hopefully that will help me feel unstuck. Cause if not then I'll have to convince Rick that we should have a baby. Boredom is always a good reason to have a kid, right?

1 comment:

Courtney J said...

That's sadly one of my reasons for wanting a baby..maybe I should re-think that..