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Thursday, January 07, 2010


I set New Years Resolutions every year. And every year I forget them because I either don't write them down or I lose the paper they are on. Can't lose a blog post, right? Also, everyone else is doing it. And we all know that I love to jump on the blogging bandwagon. So here goes, my/our goals for 2010. I say "our" because there are things I want Rick to do this year but they aren't really my resolutions. Can you make resolutions for someone else? Oh well, I'm doing it.

  • Go to the temple once a month.
  • Finish school.
  • Find a job as an MA.
  • Have Rick become a member of the Ute tribe - see? I can set a resolution for him.
  • Get Rick back in school - see above.
  • Get Rick healthy - see above again, this is totally legit.
  • Get myself healthy.
  • Get better at planning meals/cooking.
  • Save and manage money better.
  • Find the remote control to the DVD player. Seriously.
  • Take Rick to Disneyland.
  • Plan a cruise.
That's pretty much it. I think that 2010 is going to be a good year. Also, Rick just barely found the remote to the DVD player. Check that one off the list. This year is already off to a great start.

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