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Saturday, November 07, 2009

I'm only putting a title because it's in a cool font.

Frillies? Different fonts? Yeah, you're at the right blog. I didn't think I'd be one to fall for the scrapbook/supermom looking blog, but I proved myself wrong. And it only took me 4 hours to do so. High five. What's next? Making baby headbands? Sewing quilts? Making Bead Watches? Creating blog templates for fellow bloggers to use because making creative templates is my only "out" I have in a world where I am a stay at home mom of 19 kids? I can already feel myself being sucked in.

On another note, here is a list of some things that I love:

  • Rick
  • School
  • Getting 95% on a test about cells and tissues.
  • Listening to our downstairs neighbor sing/chant/hum every day. My personal favorite was "Don't Stop the Music" by Rihanna.
  • Talking to Rick for a half an hour before falling asleep. The lights were off, and we were engaged in conversation, so I had no reason to believe he was actually sleep talking. Near the end I asked him if he was falling asleep and he grumpily said "You can't talk to me when I'm laying down, I fall asleep too fast. That's like me trying to talk to you right when you wake up, you just won't remember it." Fair enough, what he said was true, so I went to bed. The next morning I brought up the previous nights conversation and he had no idea what I was talking about. He was asleep during our entire conversation. I was shocked by this. He then said "You can't talk to me when I'm laying down, I fall asleep too fast. That's like me trying to talk to you right when you wake up, you just won't remember it." Lesson learned - only talk to Rick when you are POSITIVE he is actually awake.
  • The fact that Rick will shift positions in his sleep and every time he does so he kisses my head, rubs my back for a second, or holds my hand. Again, this is all done when he is completely asleep.
  • Knowing that Thanksgiving is soon.
  • Knowing that Christmas is right after Thanksgiving.
  • How excited my mom gets on Thanksgiving now that we have a REAL Indian in the family.
  • The fact that it's November and it's not bitter cold yet.
  • Realizing today that Kiefer Sutherland does the voice of Littlefoots dad on "Land Before Time".
  • Kiefer Sutherland
  • Hot Chocolate
And on the contrary, here is a list of things that I hate:

  • Not being able to sleep. Right now is a prime example. It's almost 7 in the morning and I haven't slept at all.
  • Bills
  • Debt
  • Having to take a test about cells and tissues.
  • Being sick
  • Anything and everything that has to do with THIS movie. Definitely the scariest movie I have ever seen.
  • Daylight savings.
That is all.


Marie said...

How'd you do the cool font?! I want!

Renee Zamora said...

I love the new blog template.