Yes, I am well aware that I change our (my?) blog background too often. It's a compulsion I have. That's not the reason I'm writing this post. The reason I'm writing this post is because WE'RE MOVING!
Rick's Mom retired earlier this year and his Dad retires in December. They have a house in Arizona (The Ranch) and they will be packing up and moving down there around Christmas time. The house they are living in right now is on the market and they will need someone to keep up the yard work and show the house to buyers, so Rick and I are moving in to do just that. In return we get a spankin' deal and we get to live in a house.
We have been greatly blessed in the Housing Department. Everything fell into place with our apartment and it's cheaper than any other apartments we looked at that were 2 bedroom and included cable and internet. It's going to be kind of sad leaving this place. The bright blue kitchen walls, the tiny bathroom, setting the fire alarm off on a daily basis, and of course playing name-that-tune with our downstairs neighbor every Saturday morning for a good 4 hours.
If anyone is looking for an awesome apartment (with bright blue kitchen walls, definitely the deciding factor) let me know.
oh how cool!!! yeay for moving!
I'm way excited for you two!! You'll be able to breathe in the new place!! :)
I'm excited for you guys! A little sad though. I'm assuming I won't be able to see you as often because you'll be living with Pops and Lapriel.
Still though, Congrats.
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