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Sunday, April 19, 2009


Yesterday Rick and I realized that we have been engaged for 5 weeks. How is that possible? I swear it's been 5 minutes. We also realized that 5 weeks from yesterday is the day we get married. Ah! It's finally starting to feel like it's real, and although we have so much to do, we have a lot of things done already. We got our engagement pictures taken yesterday (to see some of them go to www.amyhphotos37.blogspot.com) and we'll be sending our invitations out soon. This coming week will be busy. We will be searching frantically for those last few addresses that we cannot find (it happens when your most recent ward directory and phone book is a good 5 years old), mailing out the invitations, taking my Bridals, putting together the thank you boxes for the reception, and since I'm still on my parents insurance I am getting all health things out of the way now and lucky for me that includes getting a cavity and my back gums burned off on Thursday. Apparently my 12 year molers have been trying to grown in for like 10 years, but my bottom gums surrounding them are too big and and need to be burned off in order for my teeth to completely grow in. I'm not looking forward to this at all.

Rick has started his training at the Utah State Hospital.  This week will be his last week in training, which I'm sure he will like because sitting in a classroom for 8 hours a day is never fun, but we are just glad that we both have jobs.

We were able to find an apartment that is cute and cheap and close to Rick's work. We were very lucky to get this apartment because TONS of other couples were interested. Even though I complain a lot about how busy we are and how we have so much to do still, we are so blessed that everything is coming together as smooth as it is. Planning a wedding has definitely been fun!