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Monday, April 27, 2009

One More Week Down

Earlier last week the weather was beautiful. Sunny, warm, flowers starting to bloom. Beautiful. A great week to take bridals, right? Wrong. We scheduled my bridals for Saturday. While I was getting my hair done the weather was pretty good, and as soon as we were ready to go it started to rain. It wasn't just light rain, it was pouring. We wanted to do all of my pictures outside but at this point that wasn't an option. Rick called White Willow and asked if we could take pictures inside there. She said we had about 20 minutes to take pictures before a group came in for a luncheon. We rushed over there, took some pictures inside, and then we went out on the porch and took more. I was bummed because I wanted some sweet outdoor pictures but didn't want to have to reschedule and get all ready again for more pictures. We went home and dropped the pictures off to get developed, and then later that day, it stopped raining, and the clouds looked awesome. Rick and I talked about it and decided to hurry and take more pictures before it got too dark. I went home and changed back into my dress, and me, Rick, and my mom went out to Benjamin to this place that Rick likes to take his artsy pictures. I was so happy that we got some outdoor pictures. We got all of the pictures back and they all look awesome. Amy Huntington and Rick are really good photographers, and I was glad to have them both there taking pictures. We owe Amy a lot, she's done so much to help us out.

Taking my bridals was the last big thing we have to do. Now we just need to mail our invitations out, and we'll be mailing some of them out today. We also have to put together the rest of the thank you boxes for the reception, which actually has been a lot of fun to do. I'm so glad that Rick has been helping out with everything, because of him planning hasn't been stressful, its just been fun. Now that most of the planning is done, its time for the parties! I'm having a bridal shower on Saturday, and the ladies I work with are throwing me another one a week later, and then my sister in law is going to throw me a bachelorette party. I am excited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I found your blog!
Oh and this is Kiara, Well, okay it's like a group blog, but when it comments you, it's Kiara.
When is your work bridal shower and does or does this not mean double presents?

Also, I am excited for your breakfast bachelorette.