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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

All Moved In

A few updates. First, Rick is all moved into our apartment. It's fabulous and I had no idea how much stuff Rick has. Luckily we have room for it all. I was not fond of the smell of the apartment at first, but it's nothing that cleaning the bathroom until you feel like you're going to pass out, a lot of pinesol, febreeze, and several air fresheners can't fix.

Second, I had my first bridal shower on Saturday, and it was a complete success. Lacey and Elise did a fabulous job throwing my shower, and I had fun answering questions about Rick wrong and wearing something embarrassing for it. By the end of the question game I was wearing socks that said "Boys Smell", flip flops, a "dress" (my grandma taped a bunch of stuffing paper to me), a "veil" (orange wig), fake fingers, and cleaning gloves. I also had my make up professionally done...by Tia, who used a little girls make up kit from the dollar store. Needless to say I looked fabulous.

Third, Kiara needs to come back from Texas.

1 comment:

Ashley Thalman said...

Where is your new apartment!?