Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
This is not to someone who has hurt me, this is about an event that makes me so so sad. I already posted today for my 30 days of blogging but this has been on my mind a lot and when I saw that one of the 30 days of blogging things was to write a letter to someone/something that has hurt you I thought this would be a good opportunity to write what I feel about this issue.
To My Dear Gay Friends and Family Members,
I do not judge you. I love you. However, I do not agree with your lifestyle. You need to understand that not agreeing with your lifestyle and judging you are 2 completely different things. I do not understand why the words that were spoken at conference came as a surprise to you. Has this not always been the churches view on homosexuality?
You are going to protest tomorrow in Salt Lake. Why? What will this do? Will this undo the words which have already been spoken? Will this change the church's beliefs? Will this have President Packer be removed from his position in the church? What will you gain by protesting?
You believe that you were made this way. You believe you cannot change. If this is absolutely, in your heart of hearts, down to the core of your soul what you believe, then why are you letting what you do not believe affect you? Some people believe that my husband is married to me and 3 other women. They believe that I have horns and a tail. I actually had one lady tell me that I was breaking the rules by wearing jeans because she thought Mormons weren't allowed to wear jeans. That is the World's beliefs, not mine, so it does not affect me. If you do not believe the words that were spoken then why take offense?
I love you. Nothing will make me stop loving you. You are my friends, you are my family members. It will be that way forever.
Much Love,
Dear Neighbors Dog,
I hate you. I seriously hate you.
Much hate,
hi, i am an old friend of Ricks. I found your guy's blog and i have to say i love this post. thank you for writing it!
I completely agree with you. Why is everyone so worked up about what President Packer said? He very simply stated the church's beliefs on homosexuality, that's it. So strange.
I love you :)
That's my motto.
Pretty awesome post, Jodi. Fo' real.
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