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Friday, April 09, 2010


Sometimes(every time) when we go to the gym I get bored of running on the treadmill. This is 90% because I can't find my Ipod and 10% because all I'm doing is running in place. They have TVs at the gym, so I brought my earphones to watch tv, and it would work for the first part of my workout, but guess what happens when you run? You sweat. Guess what happens when you sweat and it touches your earphones? You get shocked. And it freaks you out. So you frantically try to figure out what's going on while trying to not lose your balance because you're still running on a treadmill and if you stop suddenly then you get really dizzy so if you try to keep going you might trip and then look like an idiot and end up on Americas Funniest Home Videos. Either way, it's chaos. So I was looking for other ways to work out and had heard of this thing called Zumba. I didn't know what it was, all I knew was that you dance and people love it and it costs $4 at the Orem Fitness Center. My friend Shandi goes all the time and I told her I wanted to come with her. I have never had so much fun or been so sore from a workout in my life. Basically you dance for an hour to Latin music and you learn how to drop it like it's hot and back it up. I've always wanted to say those 2 phrases legitimately and have good reason to. This is a proud moment for me. Seriously though, it's a combination of cardio workout and muscle toning, and it's so much fun. I was nervous at first because they don't teach you the moves, you just learn by doing and follow everyone else. So when you're new you look stupid but it's easy to catch on to. I was only able to go tonight because it's my Spring Break otherwise they only have classes when I can't go, but when I'm done with school I plan on going a lot. I highly recommend Zumba to anyone who hates getting shocked in the ear while running in place.

In other, probably funnier, but not to me, and way more disgusting news - Rick drove my car to pick up some Mexican food and decided to get himself 44 oz of horchata. The cup wouldn't fit in the cup holder and so he had to hold it between his legs. And then he had to hit the breaks suddenly, which sent the entire 44 oz of horchata all over the drivers side of my car. Do you know what the main ingredient in horchata is? Milk. MILK. They say don't cry over spilled milk. Too bad, I'm going to. He vacuumed it up with my dads shop vac and then we poured pitchers of hot water all over where it spilled and vacuumed that up as well. The next day when I got into my car, I gagged 2 hard gags (MILK!) and almost threw up. I had to drive with the windows down which was awesome because it was windy and snowing. Every single time I got in my car I sent Rick a text about how sick it smelled and how mad I was. He received 4 angry texts that day. That night I kept complaining about it and he thought I was just being over dramatic. So I told him to get ready to go to the gym and that we were going to take my car. He got ready, went outside, and opened the car door. The smell of the rotten milk hit him like a ton of bricks and I heard him gag the hardest gag I've ever heard. I thought he was throwing up. (Side note, I have the worst gag reflexes ever, and just saying or typing the word gag makes me gag. I just gagged.) The next day he took my car to get the drivers side deep cleaned. The smell is a lot better now but it's still not gone. We need to go back 2 more times to get it cleaned. Hopefully that will rid the smell that haunts me. Maybe we'll just buy a new car now instead of waiting until we have money. On an unrelated note, Rick is no longer allowed to go for food runs in my car.


mary.katherine said...

Uh...heads up. Last May 23 you made an eternal commitment to Rick. That being said, that is the day that yours and mine became OURS. So Rick going on food runs in YOUR car no longer exists. It would be "Rick is no longer allowed to go for food runs in OUR car." That also being said, you probably should just become a domestic goddess and cook. (because I can't.) Then you wouldn't have a milky gag every time you drive in your joint car.

Becca said...

OMG this is amazing and I am SO sorry about your car. have you seen that seinfeld about the car with BO? if not...watch it.

you really do need to run outside. you will find yourself running double the distance you can run on a treadmill. I can barely do 1-2 miles on the treadmill right now, because like you, I get bored of running in the same place. outside...I run 4-6 miles and feel great. TRY IT.

Becca said...

OMG this is amazing and I am SO sorry about your car. have you seen that seinfeld about the car with BO? if not...watch it.

you really do need to run outside. you will find yourself running double the distance you can run on a treadmill. I can barely do 1-2 miles on the treadmill right now, because like you, I get bored of running in the same place. outside...I run 4-6 miles and feel great. TRY IT.

(ps if I posted this same thing twice it's because blogger is freaking out on me. feel free to delete one of them.)

Tami Harris said...

Be nice to Rick.