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Monday, April 05, 2010


So I was looking through a bunch of pictures and found some that are blog worthy. Some of these I have already put on here before. Oh well. Enjoy.

First off, I need to give a huge shout out to Amy Bigelow. Not only did she take our engagements (which turned out awesome) and help Rick with my bridals, she also did my hair and make up for our engagements and she did my make up for my bridals, and then when we did another round of bridals outside she did my hair and make up then too. Is there anything she can't do? I love this picture. I think I might start growing my hair out.

Same day - 1o pounds more.

We're in love.

This picture freaks me out because my hair looks red and it looks like I am my little sister.

Jensenne has the best hair ever. And I miss those scooters a lot.

Glamour Shots by Deb.

She will kill me for putting this picture up. And I will kill myself for putting it up.

Supa fly.

I could not possibly look creepier.

This is at my bridal shower. Notice Katie's face in the mirror. Pure gold.

My sexy lingerie.

Sometimes I want to have babies just to see what they will look like. I hope they look like little Ricky.

Long haired Rick. From the back he looks like Pocahontas.

He loves trains.

This is why we got married.

This is what happens when you get kicked in the face.

Happy Halloween from Juan Carlos and Ricky Bobby.


KILEY said...

Is that Rick that got kicked in the face? Intense.

Jodi said...

Yeah that's Rick. Hard to tell with the buzzed hair and blood covered teeth.

Endien Rick said...

Actually, I was back handed in the face at a show. Maraloka. Right after the mission.

Megann said...

Jodi I hope you can get me some of those SEXY underpants for my bridal shower!
Ricky did you lose some teeth when you punched?

Jodi said...

I thought he lost his teeth too (the front ones) but no worries, they're just covered in blood.

Anonymous said...

That girl Katie is legit. Her face is awesome! Is she single?

Megs said...

Um, I vote Rick grows his hair back out. That was the most awesome thing I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!