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Thursday, April 01, 2010

April Fools

Yes, that is a pregnancy test in my hand. Yes, it is positive. Yes, I always look this good in pictures.

I love April Fools Day. A whole day dedicated to pranking people and lying to them all in the name of a Holiday(tradition?). I have no idea why we have April Fools Day or how it came to be, but I do appreciate it. This year I had an idea to trick Rick into thinking I was pregnant. Not just the typical changing-your-facebook-status-to-say-you're-pregnant, I wanted it to be as real as possible. Rick fell asleep on the couch and I ran over to my friend Jessica's house. She is pregnant and due in a week, and being the true friend that she is, she peed on a stick for me. I went back home and hid the test in my bathroom. A few hours later we got on the subject of babies. I told him I wanted to have a baby and I felt weird and sick lately and wondered if maybe I was pregnant. He told me to take a test to find out. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the test, then I came out and handed it to him. "What does this mean?" I told him that the first line means the test worked, and the plus line means it's positive. He laughed his nervous laugh that he does when he feels awkward or doesn't know what to say. He asked if I was serious and I smiled. Then he did the nervous laugh some more. Then I said "April Fools!", which somehow he thought meant "I really am pregnant but I already knew about it so I am telling you now but I'm pretending I'm finding out for the first time." I don't think he really understands how April Fools works. Overall I think it was a successful first April Fools Day as a married couple. High five anyone?

In other news. The scale at the gym told me that since I've been working out I've gained 2 pounds. The scale at home told me that I have lost 3 pounds. I will no longer listen to what the scale at the gym tells me. Have you ever gone to the gym and looked at the people around you? It's a melting pot for weirdos from all walks of life. Maybe it's because we go late at night and that's when they come out into society. My 3 favorites from last night were - 1) The germaphobic girl who covered the screen and the handle bars of the treadmill with paper towels. 2) The nerdy looking guy who wore black high socks with what looked like church shoes and instead of wearing normal earphones he wore the kind that Rick wears when he plays the drums instead. 3) The girl who runs like Phoebe.


Jessica said...

I think this whole thing is hilarious - although I'm pretty sure I would never dare do this to Elliot because I assure you he wouldn't take it as well.

Glad I could help.

Courtney J said...

This is a comment for your previous post about losing weight, I Just put it here to make sure you see it.
Thank you for coming out with the Belly Button situation! The day after I got married, it just came out of nowhere!
You're a brave woman.

Lindsay said...

Hi! I found you by way of Jessica's post. Jodi doesn't know me, but Rick does. I grew up in the house that Elliot and Jessica live in now, so Rick and I were in the same ward when we were little. Anyway, I love your April Fools joke. Way to go. :)

- Lindsay (Nay) Anderson

Jodi said...


I don't know you but I do know your brother Riley. He is friends with my brother Jordan Harris. Small world. I'm glad you liked the April Fools prank!