We (Me, Rick, Jensenne, and Kiara) recently went on a vacation to Disneyland, and it was the most fun I've had in a long time. Since blogger is stupid and won't let me post all the pictures in one post, welcome to part 1. Here you will find pictures of us gambling in Vegas, eating turkey legs, and surviving earthquakes. Enjoy.
Lookin' good ladies.
Have you gambled before? I hadn't. Neither had Rick. So we did. Here is how it works. You put a dollar in and pull the lever.
And then you realize that gambling is easy, you always win, and it's a good way to invest your money. So you ask your husband for more dollars.
And then you win some, you lose some, and your husband looks on nervously as you spend his hard earned cash.
And then you win a lot of money. Which actually means you lost 2 dollars overall. I still tell myself I'm a winner.
I love Vegas. For 5 minutes. Then I am ready to leave. But it's always fun to stop at the M&M Factory.
A pound of M&Ms for only $17. I don't care if it's a rip off, it's Vegas!
We asked a guy to take our picture. He took the camera, took a picture while we were setting up for the picture, and then handed the camera back to us. Thank you, sir.
Vegas, baby!
Okay, here we are at Disneyland. The land where doctors orders do not exist. Rick sure loved those turkey legs.
Yes, that is a burn on Jensenne's arm. Yes, it is from a corn on the cob. Yes, she did hold the corn, 3 drinks, and 2 pretzels all by herself while Kiara and I waited in the shade for her to come back with our food. She is a champion.
Me and Bert.
One of the days we were there I was walking and almost bumped into Cruella. She gave me the stink eye, said "ugh" and shooed me away. I love that they really play the character. Either that or it was a Disney employee having a bad day. Is that even possible?
Could 4 people look happier in a picture?
I love Jessie.
After we took pictures Jessie was frantically pointing back and forth from me to Woody. And then woody grabbed his sleeve and pointed to me. And then Jessie grabbed my shirt and woody's shirt. I finally said "um...our shirts match?" Which was followed by thumbs up and high fives. It was like playing a really intense game of guesstures.
On Tuesday Rick woke me up and asked me what time it was. I checked the clock, it was 4 am. We went back to bed. We got up at 6 and Rick said "I swear I felt an earthquake earlier when I woke you up. The bed was shaking and I thought maybe you were having a seizure or something so I grabbed you but you weren't moving and then I heard the doors rattling." "mmmm" was my exact response. Can you blame me? It was 6 am. Rick got up and I heard his cousin come out and say "Did you feel that earthquake?!" I got up and went out into where the girls were staying and the news was on talking about the 4.4 earthquake that hit near Los Angeles. This picture shows how far the mattress moved off the bed frame. And all the while I slept soundly through it.
Oh gosh, LOL! One day I'll hear that Jodi died in her sleep during an earth quake. Everyone tried to wake her but well, she wouldn't get up. :)
You make me NEED a vacation, dangit!
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