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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love Day

Ever heard of Acaydia? It is this little Aesthetics school in Provo on University Avenue on the bottom level of that big Wells Fargo building. I get my eyebrows waxed there. I would rather shoot myself in the leg (Jack Bauer style) than pluck my eyebrows, so I frequently get them waxed. So far Acaydia has been the only place that hasn't given my sister 3 eyebrows on accident or used the wrong wax and accidentally waxed Lacey's skin off. True stories, guys. So anyway, I knew that Acaydia did all sorts of back treatments, facials, etc. and I had never actually had any type of facial, massage, or back treatment. I know right, what is wrong with me? I called them a few weeks ago and asked them if they had any Valentines Day specials. Get this - for 2 people to have a chocolate coconut back treatment and a chocolate coconut pedicure it was $50. So I signed us up. And next to marrying Rick, it was the best decision of my life.

We weren't able to be in the same room for our back treatments because they were really busy, but we still enjoyed them. I got into my room, and got onto the bed. First she turned this machine on that looked like a teapot mixed with the goose neck lamps they use at the Dentist. Turns out the machine was actually there to continuously spray steam on my back, which was amazing. The girl rubbed lotion on my back, put several hot towels on it, exfoliated it, and then put the chocolate stuff on my back. It wasn't actually chocolate, which was disappointing, but it was some type of body mask stuff that looks and smells like chocolate pudding. This is actually making me hungry to write. So then she wipes it off with another hot towel and does the coconut stuff, which was just a body butter, but it made me smell like heaven. After the back treatments we went into the room for our pedicures and those too were amazing. Every woman ever should have at least one pedicure in her life time. Or 500. I'm aiming for 500, despite how ticklish my feet are. While we were sitting there another couple came in for their pedicures. The guy had the girl doing his pedicure paint his nails bright red. He couldn't wait to "go to work and take my shoes off to show everyone!" I wish I worked with that guy.

The deal this year was that Rick would plan something on Saturday and I plan something on Friday since Valentines Day was on a Sunday. I kept my present a secret until the Wednesday before and then I told rick we were going to get these treatments done. Turns out for Valentines Day he had planned for us to get massages on Saturday. We both didn't see that coming. So instead of going to a spa one day and then getting massages the next we are post-poning the massages for next week. And I can't wait.

To anyone who reads this - I strongly recommend going to Acaydia for this Valentines Package. This deal goes until March and it is worth every penny. Bring your husband, wife, friend, enemy, or me.

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