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Sunday, January 31, 2010


"Does the Holy Ghost do Paranormal Activity?"

No, 11 year old Primary kid, no the Holy Ghost does not do Paranormal Activity. Can we get back to the topic of Adam and Eve now?

We teach Primary. Imagine me saying that with bloodshot eyes while ripping my hair out and that paints a pretty good picture of how much I love teaching Primary. As much as primary makes me want to kill myself, every week I leave with quote worthy material from the kids. Allow me to share.

"God loves us all and he wants us to love everyone else too." - Sharing Time Teacher
"I'm not allowed to love everyone." - Primary Kid

"M is for Remember." - Primary kid giving talk

"...Adam began to till the earth, and to have dominion over all the breasts of the field..." - One of our Primary kids reading a scripture. The word was supposed to be BEASTS, not BREASTS.

"So Adam and Eve were like Brother and Sister, right? Isn't that like incest or something?"

What? No.

My favorite quote from today came from my one and only husband. It was probably the cutest thing I've ever heard. We were in Sharing Time and we were singing "A Child's Prayer" and Rick leaned over to me and said "I remember being at EFY and singing this song and crying so much."

If he isn't the sweetest thing ever I don't know what is.

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