I'm thankful for Rick. He loves me, he takes care of me, and I've never been happier. He also makes me laugh all the time. The other night he was sleeping (he likes to sleep with multiple pillows) and he kept moving one around and then stroking it. I asked him what he was doing and he said "playing with the goats". He was totally asleep. I couldn't stop laughing. Then again today I was doing homework and studying for a test I thought I was going to take tonight. Before he left for work I said "wish me luck on my test tonight", he looked at me, smiled, kissed my head and said "you're welcome". Oh, I just love my partially deaf sleep talking husband.
I'm thankful for my family. I have wonderful parents, I have 2 older brothers that I look up to and love dearly, they have awesome wives and amazing children. I have a bitchin' (sorry mom, but you and I both know that sometimes there just are no other words to use) little sister. She's awesome and funny and she's going to start school with me in January and I'm stoked. And I have freaking amazing parents. Not long ago I wrote THIS post about them, and that really sums everything up about my parents, but there is one more thing I want to say about my mom. On Mothers Day of this year her status on facebook said something like "Keep in mind that Mother's Day can be a hard day for some people". I had never thought of that. What about the person who lost their mother? What about the woman who yearns to be a mother, but for some reason she can't be? This year is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. What about those who struggle the most around the Holidays? What about those who have lost loved ones and feel pain because they will not celebrate the Holidays with them? My mom's example is teaching me to be more compassionate towards others. We never know what someone else is going through.
I'm thankful for Church. Not just the one I belong to, I'm thankful for all Churches, Religions, and for those who believe in a Higher Power. We live in a world where Religion is being attacked. There are those in this world trying to tear down other peoples Faith just to make themselves feel better. Unfortunately, some will stop believing because of this. But there are always those who will stand strong no matter what. We need more of these people in the world.
I'm thankful for Rick's family. Not a lot of people love their In-Laws. I got lucky. Rick's family has shown me nothing but love. I'm thankful for his parents for raising him to be awesome and for letting us live in their house when they move. Times are tough and they are helping us out probably more than they realize.
I'm thankful that Rick and I both have jobs. I'm so lucky to have the job I have that is flexible with hours, making it possible for me to go to school. We're also so blessed that Rick is a State Employee which means he gets state benefits. We seriously lucked out.
I'm thankful for my friends. I have this gift where I only pick friends who are funny and awesome. It's worked out really nice for me. My friends are amazing.
What are you Thankful for?
I'm so glad you understand how lucky you are that you have a friend as funny and awesome as me. I mean, really, not that many people are that privileged. I guess you did something good to deserve this friendship....
NO! I was going to write exactly what Tia just wrote. I hate her.
Yes, you are lucky to have such cool people like me in your life. I'm funny, awesome, and ridiculously attractive!
KAD, JAD, TAD, after the holidays.
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