The day after our contract was sold (Wednesday) we started moving small things over. The next day was Thanksgiving, we ate and then Rick had to go to work and I continued to move a few things over. Our big moving day was Friday. Honestly, Friday was a huge blur, but from what I can remember it went something like this...
- Wake up sick.
- Start packing.
- My dad shows up with his truck. We take the first load over.
- We realize just how much crap we have. We call Lacey and Jake who show up with a truck, trailer, and Jake's brother.
- We load all of our big stuff over to the house.
- Go out to eat at Pizza Pie Cafe (which is super cheap and very delicious).
- Go shopping (first time in my life I have ever been shopping on Black Friday, I think I handled it like a champ).
- Move more crap over.
- I went to Walmart while Rick changed his break pads and headlights in his car.
- Move even more crap.
- Collapse.
Saturday we were going to go back over to get the little odds and ends we still had at the apartment. We grossly underestimated how much stuff we had. 1 car load, 1 truck load, 4 people and 2 hours later, it was mostly out. Mostly. We gave up after that, Sunday we were going to get the rest of the stuff but Rick's parents were coming home that day and we had to clean the house (which is totally laughable, you should see their poor basement covered in all our belongings) and then Rick had to go to work. We finally got everything out on Monday, our apartment is clean and empty and we are officially out. It's nice to not have to worry about it anymore but it's a weird feelings leaving our first place we lived as a married couple. It's kind of sad almost. But then I remember that we have a 6 bedroom house all to ourselves and it's not sad anymore.
1 comment:
Just wait until you have to move out of the house and back into an apartment. Its way worse!
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