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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Am I Crazy?

See this guy? This angry looking fellow is my husband. Despite what this picture may say about him, I promise he actually is nice, happy, and enjoys life.

When I met my wonderful husband years ago this is what his hair looked like.

He grew his hair out for 2 years and donated it to locks of love. Because of how thick his hair was they were able to make 2 wigs out of it.

Well, we had a deal. I told Rick he could never ever grow his hair out again unless I had cancer and lost all my hair from chemo, then he would grow it out and make a wig for me. Cause lets be honest, ladies, who wouldn't want that hair? No, I do not have cancer. Yes, Rick is growing his hair out again. Why? Because I'm crazy.

Rick's hair grows at an incredible rate. Seriously. It only took him 2 years to grow his hair 25 inches, and that included getting a half an inch cut off every 6 weeks (although one time instead of cutting 1/2 and inch off the lady cut 6 inches off). He gets haircuts more than anyone I know, and a few weeks later it's too long again. He is getting tired of all the constant hair cuts and he said to me "I want to grow my hair out."


Just like that.

He said he doesn't want to grow it out as long as it was before. Right now he just wants to go for the "shag" look and when it gets to that point he'll decide if he wants to cut it back to regular length or keep growing it out. Here is a picture of the "shag" look he's referring to. A little side note about this picture, this picture is of Rick and one of his best friends, Ariel. 4 years ago today Ariel and 3 other close friends passed away. Rest in peace Ariel, Blake, Jen, and Scott.

I just realized that Rick's shorts in this picture are mid-calf length. Gangsta. Nice.

Today I asked Rick "what do you think of me dying my hair?" and he said "hey, I'm growing my hair out, you do whatever you want with your hair." Dye it darker? Go blonde? Pink? Blue? Bald? Probably nothing, but it's nice to know I have full support of my husband in case I wanted to have a green mohawk. The cool thing about this is that now when Halloween comes we will totally look just like Kocoum and Pocahontas.

Well, Rick will look like Kocoum.

I probably couldn't look less like Pocahontas.

I just hope that someday Rick will go back to this look.

I just love this guy.


mary.katherine said...

Oh my gosh!! I am dying looking at that last picture!!!! It is probably better than the yearbook. Dying. Literally.

Anonymous said...

He looks like every uncle I've ever bailed.

Jodi said...

Isn't it incredible? Also, check out the bulge on Kocoum's pants. I somehow missed that part when I posted this. Way to go, Disney.