Yesterday I decided to make a nice dinner consisting of spaghetti, garlic bread, and corn. Not hard, right? Probably the easiest thing ever to make. You boil the noodles, add the sauce, heat up the corn, and bake the garlic bread. This is a meal I have made many times before and not had a problem with. So I'm cooking the noodles, and I preheat the oven to 450 so that I can cook the garlic bread. While our oven is preheating the thought comes to my mind "where is the cake that I made on sunday?" Oh, thats right, It's in the oven. I open the oven to see my cake boiling, not only that, but the pan that I had baked it in had a plastic lid that came with it covering the cake. The plastic lid was melted and dripping all over the oven, causing it to fill with lovely black smoke and the smell of melting plastic. Awesome. While Rick and I took 10 minutes to get the boiling cake/dripping lid out of the oven without ruining all our oven mits and hot pads (which was a lot harder than it sounds) the corn was on the stove burning. We finally get the cake and lid cleaned up, we bake the garlic bread, and dinner is almost ready. I take the garlic bread out of the oven (keep in mind it had to cook at 450 degrees) and I put the plates right next to the sheet they were baking on. I picked up a piece of garlic bread to try and quickly put it on a plate. It was too hot and I wasn't quick enough and I burned the tips of my fingers and dropped the piece of garlic bread right on the kitchen floor. Oh wait, it gets better. I finally get the garlic bread on the plates (along with the cold spaghetti and the burnt corn) and I set the table. When I go back into the kitchen to get the cups I step right into where I dropped the garlic bread and now I have melted butter and spices all over my foot. I wish that the story could end here, unfortunately it does not. I clean off my foot and the floor and I grab 2 cups for our drinks. We had just made a pitcher of really yummy strawberry kiwi juice and both wanted some. I start to pour Rick's drink and a piece of ice gets stuck in the spout and so the juice starts spilling out all over the sides. It spills on my pants, on my feet, and on the floor. Are you kidding me? I clean everything up, scream for a second, and then we eat what was supposed to be a delicious home cooked meal.
After ruining my favorite cake pan, making a not-so-delicious dinner, and making my kitchen floor cleaner than it has ever been, it was time to go to a midnight showing of the new Harry Potter. I like Harry Potter just fine but this was my least favorite of all the movies. I thought it was too long, too boring, and the guy sitting directly behind me was incredibly obnoxious. If there was a funny part he would laugh louder than anyone in the theatre and once everyone stopped laughing he would keep it up for 10+ second.
So, how was your day?
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