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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Biological Family

Rick and I went up to Roosevelt today to visit/meet his biological family. This was the first time we were able to meet his mom and all of her kids (Rick's half siblings). Angie (Rick's biological mom) was throwing a big party because her Granddaughter, Grandson, and her Niece's little girl were all turning 2, so we went up and had dinner and got to know everyone. Here are some pictures.

Here is the line up to the food. There was A LOT of people there. Some were family, some were friends, and we have no idea which were which.

Here is Rick's half brother Tyson, his wife (I don't remember her name) and their daughter. She was one of the birthday girls who turned 2.

Here we have Kristy, Rick, and Maylene. Kristy is the baby, and Maylene has a twin, Melinda, who we didn't get a picture of because she left early. This little boy is Maylene's son and he was the birthday boy.

Here is everyone except Melinda. From left to right we have Kristy (the youngest - 18), Tyson (technically Rick is the oldest but he was adopted so Tyson is the oldest of Angie's other kids - he is 23), Rick, Angie (Rick's biological mom) and Maylene (21). It was really neat to be up there with everyone and be able to see where Rick came from. Angie is a really sweet lady and her kids are all very nice and welcoming of me and Rick. Today was the first time Rick met Kristy and when he met her Angie turned to Kristy and said "this is your brother". Kristy shyly smiled and then gave Rick a big hug. We are excited to get to know them better.

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