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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Virtual Tour

So we don't have our wedding pictures yet, and we took Rick's camera with us to Park City (where we went on our honeymoon) and when we went to take pictures we realized the memory card was at home. To be honest, the weather in Park City was bad and we didn't really go anywhere while we were there, so even if we had remembered the memory card we would probably only have pictures of us in our pajamas eating junk food and playing guitar hero. But shout out to Kiley for reminding me to put pictures of our apartment up here. I hope you all enjoy the virtual tour of Team Brimhall's Home.

This is the view when you first walk into our apartment of our living room/kitchen. I took these pictures using a wide angle lens so it looks a little smooshed but it shows everything. Rick hung all the pictures which was nice because I hate doing it. The blank spot on the right wall in between those 2 pictures had a picture on it that fell off and broke because of the wind.

Here is our kitchen with our beloved bright blue walls. You are allowed to paint the walls in our complex, and the people before us painted it this blue because it used to be a horrid bright yellow/green.

Here is my favorite part of the kitchen. Rick built this shelf in it so we had more space for stuff. Shout out to Selena for giving us the banana hammock. To the left of the hammock is our canister set. When we opened the canister set there was no card or name with it, so we have no idea who to thank for it. Thank you mysterious canister set gifter (is that a word?). Behind the hammock are bottles full of snow cone flavors. When this weather actually starts acting like summer we will bust out the snow cone machine.

Here is our vanity area. Behind that door is our toilet/tub. The shower curtain we got has blue, teal, and green squares on it, so we got matching towels and floor mats to go with it. Our next project is to fix our toilet. When you flush it the back part doesn't fill up with water like it should, so you have to grab a cup and fill it with water yourself. It brings me back to girls camp days. Which I do not miss.

Here is our guest bedroom/computer room. On the left you see bikes hanging up. We plan on doing a lot of bike riding this summer and I'm excited for that. This room is where Rick does most of his photography work. If you look closely, you can see him going through Elise and Bell's pictures he took.

Here is our bedroom. You will notice that we have 1 curtain and not 2. Turns out they don't sell them in pairs, they sell them 1 at a time, which I think is a stupid idea. So we will someday go back and get the other half of it. You will also notice that we have no pictures up. We have some of my bridal pictures that we are going to hang and when we get our wedding pictures back we will frame those. To the left is our dresser, and on the right we have 3 closets. We have lots of closet space that I failed to get pictures of. This picture is motivating me to go buy the other part of the curtain and to hang pictures so that our room looks less pathetic.


KILEY said...

Jodi, I love the blue walls! I really like color and wish we could paint! It all looks so great. I love having my own apartment!

Andrea said...

I also love the blue walls. Maybe we'll do our kitchen that color too. I'm jealous that your first apartment is cute. Ours was most defintely not. And our current one still needs some work.

mary.katherine said...

Um...what about your freaking sweet frozen yogurt maker?? THAT is the best gift you ever got.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys living in Provo or did you move somewhere else?

Anonymous said...

Dude, put those sno cone flavors to use.