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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rick's Turn

Since we have been engaged a lot of things have happened. I was lucky enough to get a job with the Utah State Hospital, which starts April 6th. That has taken a lot of stress off the planning. We can now set a budget and get off the idea of living with my parents. I hope that we can find a pretty sweet place for the summer. A place we can set up my TV and start watching all the movies that I own. It will also be nice to have time to actually watch movies.

Thinking about getting married has been fun! We both are excited for it. Are we ready? Will Jodi one day will let me have a cat? I hope so! She also thinks I have stinky feet. It's probably true because I only have one pair of shoes and according to her men must have at least 4 pairs. So, I can only assume that I will someday have seven pairs of shoes for everyday. Which I'm down with. I should be motivated to buy new clothes by now, but I am not. So, getting married will also help me get more color into my clothing. If it was up to me, our wedding colors would be the only two colors I wear - black, and brown.

1 comment:

AJ said...

Lil Rick,
Congrats man! I am so happy for you guys. Jodi, I am Ricks cousin- nice to virtually meet you :). And I will second that his feet stink...and so do his farts.
Best of Luck you guys!