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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Arkansas y'all

Rick has been gone for a week and a half. I feel like I haven't seen him in 10 years. I also feel like my sanity is slowly draining. When I'm at work I'm talking to babies all day and then I go home and there is no one there to talk to. All my schooling is online so I don't get normal human interaction. I'm pretty sure I've called my mom everyday because I feel like if I don't get some type of adult conversation Rick will come home and be surprised to find that I've adopted 500 cats while he was away. I'm sure he'd love that.

A few days after Rick left he told me that he loves the work in Arkansas and that they are planning on hiring 200 people this year and he wants to work there. We weighed our options and were seriously considering it. I hate decisions like these because there are pros and cons to staying and leaving and I feel like there is no right or wrong answer. The only strong feeling I felt was that I'd hate Arkansas which is totally ignorant because I've never even been there. When making lists of pros and cons to moving there I didn't even include anything important. It's more like "pro: I can make my kids say 'yes ma'am' and 'no sir' and it's not weird" and "con: they'll also say crap like 'y'all' and 'reckon' regularly and it's annoying me just to think about." So I told Rick it was all up to him to decide where we would live and a few days later he told me he wants to stay in Arizona for good but that he wants to extend his borrow out from 3 months to 6 months, maybe more. I know, it sounds awful, and it's already sucky for him to be gone 3 months, but the reason is that if he can work out there for 6 months we can buy a house when he gets back. We already have an area in mind that we'd like to live. The day after we decided this I stopped feeling sorry for myself and stopped googling cat names/shelters/YouTube videos. I'll give him to Arkansas for 6 months if I get a house out of it. I'm going out there in May for 10 days, he'll come home for 4 days in June, and I have a week off in July that I'll either spend in Utah or Arkansas. Not sure yet. After that he will come home every month for 4 days.

I really would have liked to just quit my job and go with Rick, but then I think about how hard it was for me to find my job here and how much I love it and I probably couldn't just quit my job for 6 months then ask them to take me back afterwards, so then I'd have to go through the job hunt all over again that made me crazy in the first place. Also the thought of living in a hotel for 6 months with no kitchen while Rick works everyday makes me YouTube more cat videos. It's not likely that I'd be able to find a job there to keep me busy. "Hi, I need a job but only for a few months. Also, I see on the resume that you need an address for me but I actually don't live here I live in a hotel. Would you hire me?"

1 comment:

Lucky to be the mom said...

Arkansas would be an adventure! We loved living in the south...but you're right, I do say y'all :)