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Friday, March 04, 2011


Rick made it to Chandler, Arizona on Tuesday night. On Wednesday he started his training. He had to be in Tucson at 8 am, he left at 6 am and was still 20 minutes late. We thought about living in Chandler so we could live closer to family, but after him having to travel 215 miles round trip in 1 day we decided against that.

While he was at training he talked to his trainer, Jim, about our situation. Rick told him that we didn't have an apartment yet and that I was still living in Utah until he found one for us. He told him that we had thought about living in Chandler but after his commute that morning he knew he couldn't do it everyday, and he was bummed that he had to keep doing it until we had a place of our own down there. As soon as Jim heard about our situation, he offered Rick a place to stay. Jim lives right next door to his Daughter and Son-in-Law (who is an Engineer for the railroad) and he said that they have an extra bedroom he can use until we find an apartment so that Rick doesn't have to make the long travel everyday. When Rick got there, they got him settled, and took him out to dinner. Today Rick sent me a text and all it said was "We are so blessed right now!" I talked to him not long after that and he told me that he was talking to the couple he was staying with and they were asking him if he had looked at any apartments yet. Rick said no but that he was going to soon. Guess what? The wife is a real estate agent. Guess what else? They have a condo for rent, and if we want it it's ours. It's in a nicer part of Tucson, which means things are more expensive. We can't afford a condo, we were just planning on getting an apartment. When Rick told her our budget she said "That's fine. It just won't be ready for a week or two because we are tearing up the carpet and putting in brand new hardwood floors and repainting everything. If your wife comes down and it's not ready yet you guys can just stay with us until it is ready." 

The wife then asked Rick what I did for work. He told her that I'm a Medical Assistant and I would be looking for MA jobs when I got down there and we got settled. She just so happens to have been an MA previous to getting her real estate license. She said she knows where to go and who to talk to and that getting me a job will be easy.

Are you serious? These people have never met me, they have only known Rick a day, and already they've done so much for us. I'm overwhelmed by their generosity. I've never lived outside of the Provo/Orem area and have been scared to live in a new place with new people, but I'm not even there yet and already they're taking care of us.

Everything is falling into place perfectly. It's like we don't even have to try and it's all just happening for us. I get to be lazy AND be blessed at the same time, and those are my 2 favorite things combined. Just kidding. Kind of. This is definitely making the transition easier. We are blessed.

I almost wrote "we are seriously so blessed" and then I got embarrassed.


Courtney J said...

I have goosbumps everywhere and I almost cried. But I'm still mad you're leaving.

Clancy and Katie Black said...

I lived in Tucson for a semester and love it there! You will too. There is a sandwich shop called which wich on campus that is amazing- I really like the one that tastes like thanksgiving dinner and the one with marinara sauce.

Becca said...

such an awesome story! and you know what? You ARE seroiusly so blessed. I hate that blog because even though I find it kind of funny, I hate that she makes fun of things that are real to people. like ACTUALLY being blessed. lame. i'm not a fan of that one. makes me so annoyed.

anyway, congrats on everything falling into place! that is so super awesome! My borther and family live in tuscon and my bro served his mission there. what ward will you be in, do you know? good luck with the move. I'm sad that I won't actually get to be real pals with you now, but blog-pals is still really awesome. haha.

Chaplain Tami said...

Pay it forward. xoxoxoxo

Megs said...

I love lazy blessings. Also, living outside of UT will be fantastic- I love the Church- but secretly love it more out of state. Jealous.

Lucky to be the mom said...

This totally reminds me of the scripture, 'and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.' You are obviously making a decision that the Lord is pleased with :)
I am SO happy for you! Amazing! I have to say, living close to Lane's office was one of the best decisions we've made! When he's on call it's a quick run to the office and then the hospital. Both of his partners live at least 30 minutes away...
I'm going to miss you! I know, I keep saying that, but it's true!!!
Much love to you :)

Shandi said...

Oh my gosh! That's so awesome Jodi! I'm so happy things are working out so great for you guys!