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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

I've Lost It

I've lost my blogging groove. I used to blog way more than I do now and honestly I don't think anyone (besides my mom) cares. I still "need" to blog about the rest of our Arizona trip, but Rick took 2000 pictures at Lake Powell and sort of gave up after that. I've been putting off writing this blog because normally I know how I'm going to word it or what clever things I'm going to say, but most importantly how I'm going to arrange the pictures.

I've got nothing.

So I guess that you readers (I can say confidently that I know people read my blog because I have a blog tracker, but I don't know who, and I don't know why) will have to put up with my not clever (I think that saying I was clever before is a bit of a stretch, what I mean is 2 times since I've had this blog I've laughed at something I've written) blog. Deal with it.

So after Lake Powell we went to Phoenix to visit my brother. It was hot (huge understatement) but fun. After Phoenix we went to Tucson to look at where we would possibly live if Rick goes back to the Railroad. Tucson actually reminded me a lot of Provo. I didn't expect to see mountains there. The best part of Tucson was this:

My beloved Sonoran Hotdogs. We stopped to eat at El Guero Canelo where we had a bacon-wrapped hotdog feast. I recently had some intense cravings for a Sonoran dog so we tried to make them ourselves.

I was pleased with how they turned out. Now I can die (of heart failure) happy.

After Tucson we headed to the Brimhall Ranch for the reunion. There were a ton of people there - all relatives. Rick's job was taking the family picture. When he asked the guy in charge how many people to expect the guy said "somewhere between 500 and 1000 people". Seriously. They had to take 2 cameras and take the pictures and then photoshop the 2 pictures together. Rick is a photography magician.

While we were at the ranch we slept outside on the deck. The following picture will describe exactly how I feel about having slept in a tent for Lake Powell and on the deck at the Ranch.

And even though I hate camping I decided to be a trooper about it and have a great attitude so I only cried twice and I only whined about bugs and dirt for 3 of the 10 days. I'm making huge improvements.

The absolute best part of the trip was this:

My Father-in-Law, with a BBgun in his hands, shooting at the 15+ bats that had gathered in the corner. Some bats flew away, some got hit and landed on the ground. The 5 bats that landed on the ground were then swept up and thrown in the garbage. You can't make this stuff up.


Clancy and Katie Black said...

I'll admit I read your blog and LOVE it but don't comment...I'll start commenting so you feel the blog love.

deb said...

I really don't like camping. That is one of the reasons I married Jared. He don't camp either (said in a hick voice because that is what camping reminds me of). Also, have you seen the movie The Great Outdoors with John Candy and Dan Akroyd? because I probably would have peed my pants if I saw that last scene in person.

Chaplain Tami said...

Finally. I have been checking every day and nothing. This one still made me laugh. You got your non camping spirit from both of your parents. Dad doesn't like it either. The best day of his life was the last day of his last Father's and Son Campout.

Chevon Bayless said...

Hi, you don't know me, don't worry I'm not some random weirdo. My little brother, Charles Bogus, is friends with your husband. I met you husband once at the wake at my parents house. Anyway, Charles told me his friend was a photographer and I am currently trying to convince my husband to suck it up and get family pictures taken, so hopefully we will be employing your husband soon. I saw the link to your blog from Charles and Trisha's blog and have been reading it for almost an hour. You are funny and I needed a laugh tonight so thanks, I especially liked the post with your family picture and the comment about the lasers, I laughed. Anyway, you said you liked comments so keep blogging!

Lucky to be the mom said...

Jodi Nicole! I read your blog and I love it...and I check it :) keep it up for me :) please?

Camping? I can do it and do it well...I can also do a Marriott with room service well, really well :)