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Sunday, April 18, 2010


May is going to be a busy month for Team Brimhall, but I'm very much looking forward to it. We have a wedding to go to every Saturday for the first 3 weeks, one of which Rick is doing the photography for. He has been working really hard on his photography website and I can't wait until it is up and running so I can show his talent off to the world. The guy is good at what he does. The last wedding we have in May is the one I am looking forward to the most. Rick's brother Marc is getting married to Megann. Normally I'd make her name a link to her blog so you can see how awesome she is and why I'm so excited that she's marrying Marc, but I don't think she has one. Megann, get a blog.

On the 10th of May my work is doing their annual 5k. I am really excited for it. It'll be a good practice round before the 5k in July. I do the Heritage 5k with my family every year, and this year I vow to not come in last place or be slower than the guy who is blind and the lady who has cancer. Think I'm kidding? Ask my mom. I've been doing good with not quitting the gym, we'll see if I can keep it up. I've been doing less than stellar with my "new diet". Carbs and sweets are just too hard to give up. As I write this I'm eating burritos and (double stuff) oreos. Case in point.

The 21st Rick and I are going out of town for our Anniversary. I planned it this year. And will probably plan it every year (I just planned our 2 year Anniversary as well) and I'm totally fine with it. Rick has never been big into vacations. And then he married me. I bring out the fun in him. Maybe it's just cause he's getting super old and I'm still in my prime? It's cool. I don't mind being a cougar.

I start volunteering at the Hospital next week (hopefully). It's a very long process to get started with volunteering and I'm almost done. I had to get a TB test and when I went back to get the results read the Medical Assistant said my results were "super positive, holy cow!" So now I'm waiting to hear the results of my chest x ray. My family always has crazy reactions to TB tests so it's nothing that I'm worried about, I just don't like that it's slowing down the volunteering process. I will be in the Pediatrics department and I'm sure it will be really fun but also probably really sad.

So along with the weddings, 5k, and anniversary, we still have our regular day to day stuff - sleep, work, school, eat burritos and oreos, and repeat. It'll be a fun month.


Becca said...

How exciting!!! Yes I planned our anniversary this year, and it was the first anniversary (don't tell james) that I wasn't disappointed. It's because I always think he's going to do something big to surprise me, and he never does. I should stop expecting surprises.

Good luck with the 5 K! and yes I would LOVE to see Rick's photo skills. seriously, photography is so fun.

hopefully I never see you at the hospital. that is all I have to say. I don't mean that in a bad way, it just will mean that my kids won't have any reason to be there. that would be great.

Jodi said...

I know exactly what you mean. Rick's family has never been big into celebrating birthdays or holidays or anything (probably because there are 9 kids in the family) and so nothing is really a big deal to him. If I plan things then he doesn't have to worry about it and I won't be disappointed because I get to pick exactly what I want to do, haha. It just doesn't occur to him that things are a bigger deal to some people. But then when I pretend that I have nothing planned for his birthday and I throw him a party he feels extra special. It's so easy to surprise him because he never expects anything. I'm the exact opposite, haha.

Megann said...

Dear Jodi,
I dont know how to blog. Go to piecesbyreeces.blogspot.com and you will see how good I am.
How about we have a blogging101 class sometime soon?