1. Rick turned 27. You heard me, folks, the big 2-7. He doesn't really care about Birthdays. I still get really excited about my birthdays, but that's because I'm still at the point in my life where birthdays mean things like I can vote, I won't get kicked out of casinos, and in 4 years I'll be able to rent a car. I'm living the American Dream. Even though Rick doesn't make a big deal out of birthdays I still thought it would be fun to have a party. His actual Birthday was on Thursday and he had to work so we had a party for him on Saturday. I am, without a doubt, the worst hostess ever. I have no idea how to throw parties. Ask anyone who was there. They'll vouch for me. I just had to google the word "vouch".
2. We got our wedding pictures back. Finally. I would post some pictures on here but anyone who reads this blog is probably my friend on facebook (or a blog stalker, it's okay, we all do it) and uploading pictures to facebook is 8 billion times easier than uploading them to stupid blogger.
3. There is nothing I hate more (that's a lie) than trying to drive to or from work when people are going to or from a BYU game. And Women's Conference. At the same time. That was poor planning on someone's part.
4. Our bathroom sink has had a leak ever since we moved in. As of last month the leak got worse. And it only leaks hot water. This results in the hot water lasting 3 minutes in the shower, and our water heater kicking on every few hours and upping our gas bill. It also makes me feel like I should apologize to everyone in 3rd world countries for wasting gallons and gallons of hot water that they could use. Sorry guys. Rick just finished tearing the sink apart and fixing it. Sexy? Yes.
5. I broke my back. Probably. I have no idea what I did but one night last week I couldn't move. My lower back feels like my muscles are all on fire as well as having a knife in it. In the morning it feels good but as the day goes on it gets worse and worse and the pain shoots down my legs. I've been complaining to Rick a lot about it. Sometimes I'll get tired of complaining about it, but I feel like if I don't tell him that I'm in constant pain he will forget. I'll remind him from time to time just to make sure he constantly feels bad for me. So far so good. Please feel free to feel bad for me as well.
6. I keep thinking about going vegetarian(ish) at least for a little while because I really need to eat healthier. Every time I'm ready to commit I somehow end up at KFC or Wendys.
7. Lastly, I need to give a shout out to my husband for letting me go get my hair done on his birthday while he stayed home and did laundry. Yeah, I know, I'm a crappy wife, but at least I have fabulous hair. I had been thinking about a new hair style and I wanted something kind of drastic. I knew I wanted to go darker for the fall, and I thought about cutting it but didn't know what style. I found some cute pictures on the internet of short hair but I didn't know if I could pull it off. Last time I had really short hair I was in 3rd grade, but I thought if I don't at least try it then I'll never know. Go big or go home, right? So I called a few places and asked some people where they suggested I get my hair done. Did you know that JC Penneys had a salon? I honestly had no idea. My friend Kiara suggested I go there and if you're in need of a hair makeover I highly suggest you go there and ask for Kristy Henderson. That woman can work miracles. 2 and a half ours later I left the salon with short (to my chin) dark brown/red hair. I posted a picture of it on facebook and I got more comments on that one picture than on any of the new wedding pictures I added. Seriously.
That partay was bitchin'. I actually prefer low-key stuff, so I thought it was rather nice. ANd I love your hair. And your wedding pictures...especially the ones of me. Ha ha.
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